Target Return Portfolios

Utilizing innovative asset allocation strategies first developed in 1975, we provide custom-structured diversified portfolios to meet long-term return objectives.

Our investment philosophy for creating and managing these portfolios is based on studies that suggest the most important factor affecting performance is how assets are allocated. Our proprietary investment technology makes it possible to optimize asset allocation, style and fund selection decisions to meet individual needs. Depending upon a client’s tolerance for risk, foreign stock and bond exchange-traded funds may also be utilized.

We actively manage the allocation of assets among stocks, bonds, and cash in four portfolios of exchange-traded funds. Each portfolio is designed to meet a particular return and risk profile from preservation of capital to aggressive long-term growth. We regard the systematic and disciplined implementation of our investment strategy as a key responsibility.


We actively manage the allocation of assets among stocks, bonds, and cash in four portfolios of passive, indexed, low-cost exchange-traded funds.